Irvine (949) 2537626 Orange (714) 6330886 Santa Ana (714) 9669795
We accept new patients
Irvine (949) AKERMAN
Orange (714) 633-0886
Santa Ana (714) 966-9795
Fax (714) 966-1269
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Our Orange, CA / Irvine, CA and Santa Ana, CA Virtual Care OBGYN consultation is a wonderful way to contact our providers from your phone.
HippaBridge App (Android) or FaceTime (iPhone)
Call our office to schedule an Irvine, CA, Orange CA and Santa Ana, CA OBGYN telemedicine appointment.
Types of visits
GYN: Family planning/birth control, hormone replacement therapy, minor infections (UTI, vaginitis), imaging and lab review, return gynecology (GYN) follow ups.
OB: visits that don't require a physical exam or testing, post partum visits, no high risk
Patient Portal
Healow: Labs, testing review, appointments, statements/payments.
Note: We need to have your email on file in order to provide you access to our patient portal.