Irvine (949) 2537626 Orange (714) 6330886 Santa Ana (714) 9669795
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Orange (714) 633-0886
Santa Ana (714) 966-9795
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Pregnant? Need to see a pregnancy doctor and OB-GYN for a prenatal screening? Call AkermanMed in Orange, Irvine or Santa Ana for an appointment today.
Our offices accept PPOs, HMOs and MediCal.
Are you currently pregnant but don't have health insurance?
Apply here for pregnancy Medi-Cal.
Do you have Medi-Cal for pregnancy? Schedule an appointment with a Medical Provider here.
Practicing since 2005, AkermanMed has helped deliver thousands of healthy babies. We understand the stress and joy that comes with bringing new babies in the world, and we are here to caringly guide you through the entire process. A trustworthy relationship between a mother and her prenatal care provider (midwife or obstetrician) sets a solid foundation for the pregnancy, and we will do everything we can to ensure we develop a trusting bond with our patients. Our entire Orange, CA OBGYN, Irvine, CA OBGYN and Santa Ana, CA OBGYN & Midwifery staff works diligently to ensure you have the best pregnancy experience possible, from the moment you find out you’re expecting through your postpartum period.
You can expect our Orange County, CA OBGYN and pregnancy doctors to provide compassionate counselling, starting at the early stages of pregnancy throughout the parenting adjustment. We work as a team—we vow to be your partner and to walk alongside you every step of the way, helping you make the important decisions that ultimately impact both you and your child.
When you need an Orange, CA, Irvine, CA or Santa Ana, CA OBGYN, pregnancy doctor, Midwifery care or prenatal screening, turn to the caring professionals at AkermanMed.
Prenatal Care (download OB tips)
Up to the third trimester patients are seen for prenatal appointments every 4 weeks in our Orange, Irvine or Santa Ana offices. Third trimester office visits are scheduled every 2-3 weeks, and during the last month once a week. However, each patient receives individualized care and the schedule can vary on case by case basis.
Dr Akerman, Dr Lao, Dr Barr, Midwife Vicki and Midwife Shayna have OBGYN privileges at St Joseph Hospital of Orange, HOAG Newport Beach, CA), and Hoag Hospital Irvine Birthing Suites .
There are two ways to deliver a baby: vaginally or surgically.
Vaginal birth (AKA natural birth) is usually the preferred delivery method amongst pregnant patients in the United States.
AkermanMed collaborative team of Physicians, Midwives and Nurse Practitioners will educate and guide you to make you an active member of your healthcare. If a vaginal birth is the best option for you and your baby, our specialists will give you multiple options to choose from (epidural, water birth*, etc).
Our physicians are trained to do vaginal delivery after cesarean section (VBAC) and support you if VBAC is your choice.
Our experts will evaluate and offer the best options according to each specific scenario keeping you and your baby’s health and safety always as their main priority.
Some scenarios for an indicated c-section:
Baby is not tolerating labor;
The size of the baby is too big for the pelvis’ size of the mother;
Baby or mom medical conditions that contraindicate labor.
The World Health Organization recommends countries not exceed 10 to 15 percent (10 to 15 C-section deliveries per 100 live births) for optimal maternal and neonatal outcomes.
At AkermanMed you are not a number. You are our priority! Our physicians and midwives will always recommend the option that guarantees healthy mom and baby.
We don’t take risks that can affect your safety and your baby.
The weeks after birth are very important for patients and their infant.
Patients are seen at least once after they deliver: 2 weeks after c-section; 6 weeks after vaginal delivery -visits are tailored to patients' needs.
At our OBGYN office, our pregnancy providers focus on physical recovery, emotional assessment and contraception as part of these important visits.
Our certified CPSP (Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program) specialists will also accompany and advise patients during their prenatal and post partum care.